Our Pastors hosted a leadership retreat this past weekend. I was so ready to learn and soak up everything they had for us. Never did I imagine God was going to address issues of the heart. Issues, that to be honest I kept tucked away.
Proverbs 27:19
As a face reflects in water, so the heart reflects a real person.
The minute pastor opened up with this verse, I knew God was about to perform open-heart surgery.
We were handed a mirror and asked to write down what we see in ourselves that needs to be given to God. This was an activity that was tough for me to complete. Initially, I felt I was doing ok until the Lord starting tugging at areas only He knew existed.
So, I wrote down what I needed to leave at the cross. I called myself out. I knew the time had come for me to let go so that God can use me to my fullest potential. I did not want to miss the opportunity, to be honest with the Lord.
Let me tell you, after praying over that mirror I felt such peace. I felt free of all those emotions and thoughts keeping me from moving forward in what God wants me to do.
The actions you take and the way you respond to others are a reflection of your heart.
If your heart is full of anger, you will project anger.
If your heart is full of insecurities, you will project insecurities.
If your heart is full of doubt, you will project doubt.
If your heart is full of sadness, you will project sadness.
If your heart is full of bitterness, you will project bitterness.
My goal that afternoon was to pour out everything that was not pleasing to God so that my heart can be full of Jesus.
My favorite song these days is “Have My Heart” by Maverick City Music.
Be the Lord of my emotions,
Set me free from selfish motives,
Search me ‘til there’s nothing hidden,
I’ll give you everything,
Yes, I’ll give you everything.
You can have my heart.
It sums up my prayers. All I want is for God to have my heart, have his way in my life, and be used for his glory. That means I have to step aside; I have to die to self.
You have an opportunity today to allow God to search your heart. You can reflect a corrupted heart, or you can reflect a Godly heart, the decision is yours.