Last night I had a conversation with my kids about scary dreams and I was able to tell they’ve had their fair share of them.
They told me when they have a bad dream they just come into mommy and daddy’s bed and it all goes away. Now, the mom in me is always excited to get some cuddles in but I thought this was the perfect opportunity to incorporate Jesus.
So I asked, “You know what else makes bad dreams go away?” They all glared! “Jesus!” Of course my son says, “Mommy I tried that.” I had to explain that you can’t just ask Jesus to fix something without believing he will do it. They needed to call on the name of Jesus with all their heart and know that God would fight that monster. That they should continue to shout the name of Jesus until it all goes away. They looked me at me so amazed as if I was telling them a good story.
See, I love the fact that they know when they're scared they can come to mommy and daddy. But, I need them to understand where their true comfort comes from, where their safety net is. Because, one day when life becomes like a scary dream, they need to know how to conquer that battle in Jesus name and how to speak in the power and authority of Jesus Christ.
(“Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.” Luke 10:19 NLT)
They have to know that mommy and daddy are limited but their heavenly daddy is limitless, which means he's got some heavenly ammo for those monsters.
I walked out of their room, encouraged myself.
So today, I encourage you! If life seems like a scary dream, don’t just call out on the name of Jesus but believe He will make a way. I promise you, He won't disappoint!
Oh Lord, today I thank you for reminding me that when life gets scary, you and you alone are my comfort. That I know to crawl into your arms for rest. I love you God!